Early Spring in the garden
choose wisely for the most impactful results…
You can’t fail to have noticed beautiful bulbs are already brightening up the borders. There are wonderful hellebores that never fail to enchant, ravishing rhododendrons and azaleas, elegant camellias, and marvellous magnolias, bergenias and a host of other early spring beauties.
Don’t assume that you can grow anything, anywhere, however. Plants are like people in that they have their own particular needs and dislikes.
Rhododendrons and azaleas were once categorised as separate species but they are now grouped together. There are subtle differences. Azaleas are always evergreen, whereas some rhododendrons are deciduous. They all need slightly acidic, moist soils and prefer dappled shade and sheltered conditions The leaves of a rhododendron are thick and leathery, but azalea leaves are generally smaller, often with fine hairs covering the surface. Rhododendrons produce large trusses of multiple flowers whereas azalea flowers appear at the end of the stem, in smaller numbers. The range of colours within this genus is impressive, from the purest white flower, through to yellows, oranges, reds, lilacs and purples. These shrubs were introduced to the UK way back in the sixteenth century and are currently enjoying a revival in popularity.
Camellias are newer arrivals, having been brought here early in the eighteenth century. These evergreen shrubs also need an acidic soil and they like dappled shade, sheltered from wind. Avoid an east-facing position where morning sun can scorch the winter and spring flowers. It is important to keep these flowering shrubs well-watered in summer when they are forming next year’s flower buds. Use rainwater, where possible, because tap water is generally too alkaline.
Magnolias are shrubs with shapely forms and wonderful creamy-white and pink spring flowers. Some of these are giants but they are often shoehorned into spaces that are too small. The resulting pruning tends to spoil their shape and often promotes a wild growing frenzy that makes matters worse. Many magnolias produce goblet-shaped flowers, whilst others delight the season with glorious star-shaped blooms. It’s important to appreciate that their ancestors inhabited primitive, ancient forests. This tells you that they like a little shelter, even though the modern cultivars can tolerate city living and even bright sun.
Hellebores are woodland-edge plants that like dappled shade and moist (but not boggy) soils. They can thrive in most types of soil, provided it is nutrient-rich. Give them the right conditions and they need very little care, save a mulch to help retain moisture within the growing position.
Bergenias are brilliant ground-cover evergreens that can grow almost anywhere, even though they prefer slight shade and moist soil. Elephant’s ears, as they are commonly known, are great perennials for the beginner as they also help to supress weeds. The early spring flowers are generally pink but can also be red, lilac or white. These are held on stalks and they create a truly uplifting scene at a time when colour is scarce.
Visit family owned, plant focused Smith’s Garden Centre just outside Rugby, gorgeous!
“The sap is flowing! Peer closely at a few twigs and you will find buds galore.”